
From Learning to Action
Oct 30, 2020  |  Betty Brandt

As people of faith and community members, we are called to work for Biblical justice for all our neighbors. We are charged with changing legislation, systems, structures and practices considered unjust and oppressive to others. We support learning all we can about the history of injustice, the history of racism and the power of civil action to change systems in the United States. Because racism affects all aspects of our life together, the actions suggested each week will reflect a wide range of subject matter and issues. These actions will range from events you can attend to small quick acts that you can engage in from your own home.

St. Luke’s Justice League offers these Action Items believing that change is possible. (Social Action, Racial Justice, Creation Care, Interfaith Relationships & LGBTQ Ministries).


  1. Support “Black Lives Matter Mural” Artists
    On August 1, 2020 eighteen artists gathered to paint a “Black Lives Matter Mural” on Indiana Avenue. Those same artists will present “Eighteen,” which features forty of the artists’ individual works. You can see the exhibit from October 23 until early 2021 at the Indianapolis Art League. You can learn more here:

  2. Advocate for “Mail-In Voting”
    Maybe you or someone you know stood in line at St. Luke’s in the last few days for 3-8 hours to vote. These long, long lines are the best reason to change the laws in Indiana to make mail-in voting available to everyone. Send a postcard to the Governor ( to find phone, address and email) and your State Legislators ( to tell them so.

  3. Remember All Those Who Have Died from COVID-19
    Every Friday, Monument Circle across from Christ Church Cathedral, at 12 noon.
    David Jose leads a ritual of remembrance for those who have died and for the families/communities affected by COVID-19. He publicly acknowledges the grief of our community by striking a gong (once for each 1000 people who have died). Remember COVID-19 has disproportionately affected our Black & brown communities. You are invited to join him. Here is an informative link:

  4. Make Sure Every Vote Is Counted
    Marion County Election Board desperately needs people to in-process absentee ballots at 3737 E. Washington. Shifts as long or as short as you want. Contact Patrick Becker at

Check back next week for more action steps you can take and tag us on Instagram @antiracistindy to help spread the word. 

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead