And Now My Turn

September 01, 2023 • Rev. Rob Fuquay

For the past eight weeks or so, since I had my knee surgery, different staff members have taken turns writing the devotion for this email. It has give them a chance to share what is happening in their ministries and also given you a chance to get to know better these wonderful servants. I hope you have enjoyed this and felt it has made you more aware of all that happens in St. Luke’s.  

Now, it’s my turn. 

I want to update you on several things that have been happening with me. First, four days after the wedding of my youngest daughter, Anna, back in mid-July, I had replacement surgery on my right knee. Everything went well and I have been making an excellent recovery. The biggest challenge has been getting sleep at night but hopefully that will improve as well. One of the key reasons I chose to have this surgery now relates to the second update I have to share. 

I learned this week that St. Luke’s application for a Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Leave (Sabbatical) for me was accepted! This is very exciting news and I am grateful to a special team of volunteers who did most of the leg work in completing a very rigorous application process. I will take this sabbatical May-July 2024. Susan and I will begin with a trek to the base camp of Everest. Hence the need for the knee replacement! 

The theme of our application was “Reconnecting.” I want this to be a time of reconnecting with God, myself, my family and my call to ministry. The demanding physical activity will actually be soul refreshing, but there will also be lots of down time for personal reflection. I will look forward to returning with a renewed desire to serve and minister and will anticipate bringing to you some opportunities that will lead to our own reconnecting as a congregation. 

Looking ahead I will be in Colorado in a few weeks to celebrate the first birthday of our grandson. On Oct. 8 I will be preaching at Matthews UMC near Charlotte, NC where I was an associate pastor over 30 years ago, and then plan to see my mother at Thanksgiving before concluding the year with the wedding of our middle daughter, Sarah, Dec. 29. 

Between all these events I am gearing up for a fall of great worship (in October we will have a 3-week series on Forgiveness); putting together our stewardship emphasis; and working on all of the usual special services and church events that come in the final quarter of the year. We have some great things coming in the next four months. 

Thank you for all you do in St. Luke’s and in the world. It is a pleasure to be your pastor and I look forward to all God has in store for us ahead. 

Rev. Rob Fuquay