We started a new three-week series this past Sunday called Making Room. This is the name of our building campaign in which we hope to raise $6.4M to enhance safety, accessibility, and sustainability across our facilities while also expanding community outreach. Key improvements include securing the Children's Wing with a single-entry point, adding a new staircase at Luke's Lodge for safer exits, and increasing classroom capacity to better serve both our congregation and the Indianapolis community.
We'll also upgrade classroom technology for hybrid learning, create secure storage for essential equipment, and install solar panels to reduce our carbon footprint. Additional changes include converting the Fellowship Hall kitchen into restrooms and expanding Luke's Lodge to add more classrooms.
These upgrades are essential for the many groups and organizations that rely on St. Luke's facilities, not just for Sunday worship but for daily activities. Your support will help us complete these improvements, creating a safer and more sustainable environment for all. With your help, we can modernize our space without incurring new debt and continue serving our community.
You should have received a mailing that describes this campaign in greater detail along with an Intention Card you can return at any time showing your commitment to support this effort over a 3-year period. Or you can click on this link to make your commitment electronically.
Watch this great informational video about the Making Room campaign. Also, our Building Committee is offering Information Tours in which you can learn and ask questions about the upcoming plans. Sign up for one of these 7 tours by clicking here.
We celebrate that the advance gifts of many members have already put us to two-thirds of our goal! We are just $2.2M away. Your commitment will be transformative in lives here and in our community.