Rev-elations 4/2/2021

April 03, 2021 • Rev. Rob Fuquay

“God keeps in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on thee.” Isaiah 26:3

So many of you have heard this story before. Forgive the repeat, but like many oldies, it’s a goodie!

In the days of Napoleon, when he was marching across Europe, a small Austrian village awoke one Easter morning to the sight of French armies stretched across the mountain tops. They were ready to swoop down and conquer the small village. 

The people gathered in the church despairing over their situation and what they should do. After listening to their groaning long enough, the priest stood up and said, “It’s Easter Day! We are going to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, conduct our worship service, and put the matter in God’s hands.” So they began their normal routines, and the church bells were rung. The armies high above the village heard this sound and assumed it meant the Austrian army had arrived to defend the village. Figuring the small enclave wasn’t worth the risk of loss, the French army retreated. When the villagers emerged from the church at the end of their Easter service they looked up and saw that the enemy was gone.

I love that story! There is so much we can’t control in life but the one thing we have control over is to whom we give our attention. When we do what is within our power and praise God, we often experience God doing what is within only God’s power to do. Our greatest victories in life are often not of our doing. They are the result of God’s activity that results from our giving room for God to work. 

Last night, following the Maundy Thursday service, a young girl came through the Gathering Area pushing her grandfather in a wheelchair. She explained how they lived nearly an hour away, but that she wanted to feel closer to God and wondered if I could help her. We sat and talked for a few minutes. I basically encouraged her that God is never far away, we just sometimes feel that way, and that she’s already doing the best thing she could, coming to worship and giving attention to God.

Has it been a long time since you’ve felt close to God? Are you frightened over events in your life and wonder what might happen to you? Just follow the old priest’s directions this Sunday and attend to worship, celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, and put your matters in the hands of a God who is also doing new things! See you Sunday. 

Happy Easter,


Rev. Rob Fuquay