
August 25, 2023 • Rachel Ferry

Gathering as a community of faith is like weaving a beautiful tapestry of stories. Each one of us carries a unique narrative, full of twists, turns, and moments that shape who we are. You know, it's like the Bible verse Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Our stories, even the messy bits, play a role in this divine masterpiece. 

Ever wonder why storytelling is such a big deal? Well, think about how Jesus himself taught through parables. Stories stick with us; they wrap truth in a relatable package. Our lives are no different – they're a collection of stories waiting to be shared. Your journey of faith might be exactly what someone else needs to hear to find their own path. 

Remember David and Goliath? That story wasn't just about a young guy with a sling. It was about courage, facing giants, and relying on God's strength. Similarly, our stories aren't just personal anecdotes; they're windows into our faith journeys. Sharing how God helped us overcome challenges or showed up in unexpected ways can ignite hope in others. 

Our faith stories also bring us together. When we share our highs and lows, our doubts and convictions, we create a community of understanding. It's like Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up." Your story might be the hand that lifts someone up during their fall. 

So, my friends, let's embrace the power of our stories. Whether you're chatting over coffee, simply being present, or sharing your testimony on a Sunday morning in a video on the big screen, remember that your experiences have the potential to inspire, guide, and remind others that they're not alone on their journey. 

Let's keep telling our stories, because when we do, we echo God's story of love, redemption, and hope. I’d love to tell your story. Email me and let’s chat. 

Rachel Ferry