Why We Give

At St. Luke’s we recognize everything we have comes from God, and we are simply sharing these gifts to grow His kingdom. Through tithes and offerings, we are able to show in a tangible way our love for God and our community. Each year, we ask our members to pledge for the coming year in support of our church's ministry and mission, as an opening community of Christians helping people find and give hope in Jesus Christ. 

We give for many reasons but ultimately annual giving makes possible: worship, programs for children and students, Bible studies, small groups, pastoral care and support, mission trips, community service, and building and operational needs. We are grateful to be in ministry together, with you, our community.


St. Luke’s uses an online giving platform (Pushpay) accessable at stlukesumc.com, which allows you to set up your own self-managed giving schedule. You determine the amount, frequency and payment method – bank account or debit/credit card. By selecting “Bank Account” the church benefits from lower transaction fees. 

If you have previously given online to St. Luke’s, log into your Pushpay account to confirm or change your recurring giving for 2021. 

Other Methods Of Giving

Cash or Check

You may mail your gift to:

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church,  100 West 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260

Appreciated Stock or Qualified Charitable Distributions from your IRA are also giving options. Contact the Finance Office at 317-846-3404 and they will assist you

2021 Budget
2021 Budget
2021 At A Glance
2021 At A Glance

Have you made your 2021 Pledge?

Work Entry

Please enter your 2021 pledge:

NOTE: Please do not use a period or comma when entering your pledge amount