Social Action & Advocacy - 1/22/2025

Recycle Force Collects 19 Tons of E-Waste from St. Luke's in 2024!

RecycleForce, St. Lukes electronic waste (e-waste) partner, collected 19 tons of e-waste from our e-waste trailer in 2024. That adds up to a total of 54 tons of e-waste collected from our trailer over these past three years!

The e-waste trailer serves the St. Luke's community and our surrounding neighborhoods by providing a recycling alternative for "anything with a plug". RecycleForce provides a weekly pickup of e-waste and re-processes these materials at their Indianapolis facility. Recycle Force is also a social enterprise that employs recently incarcerated individuals to facilitate their reentry into the workforce. St. Lukes' own Betty Brandt forged this unique partnership a number of years ago with RecycleForce Founder and President Gregg Keesling.

The Creation Care Ministry periodically organizes guided tours of RecycleForce's technologically advanced facility. Special thanks to John Young of the Creation Care Ministry who regularly maintains the trailer and assures its accessibility for donors and RecycleForce staff.

Submitted by John H. Dane 


Monday, February 10 at 9:00AM

Moms Demand Action Chapters in the State of Indiana will hold an Advocacy Day at the Indiana Statehouse on Monday February 10th. Sign in begins at 9:00 a.m. There will be a program with speakers and meetings with Legislators throughout the day. This is an opportunity to learn about bills that have been introduced & speak with your Representatives. Everyone is invited to come as you are able. You do not have to be a member of Moms Demand Action, a Mom or even a female. Please wear a red shirt. To register go to

Submitted by Theresa Berghoff 

The Indiana Conference United Women in Faith Legislation & Advocacy Day

Thursday February 13 at 9:30am

Join this yearly event to learn about legislation happenings at the Indiana General Assembly. As part of our advocacy work for women, children, and youth, it is our hope that after learning about the current issues at hand, you will feel encouraged to contact your legislators and make your voice heard.

If you would like to receive the zoom link reminder in advance of the event click here. All are welcome to attend! 

Submitted by Lori Chambers