Recycle Force Collects 19 Tons of E-Waste from St. Luke's in 2024!
RecycleForce, St. Lukes electronic waste (e-waste) partner, collected 19 tons of e-waste from our e-waste trailer in 2024. That adds up to a total of 54 tons of e-waste collected from our trailer over these past three years!
The e-waste trailer serves the St. Luke's community and our surrounding neighborhoods by providing a recycling alternative for "anything with a plug". RecycleForce provides a weekly pickup of e-waste and re-processes these materials at their Indianapolis facility. Recycle Force is also a social enterprise that employs recently incarcerated individuals to facilitate their reentry into the workforce. St. Lukes' own Betty Brandt forged this unique partnership a number of years ago with RecycleForce Founder and President Gregg Keesling.
The Creation Care Ministry periodically organizes guided tours of RecycleForce's technologically advanced facility. Special thanks to John Young of the Creation Care Ministry who regularly maintains the trailer and assures its accessibility for donors and RecycleForce staff.
Submitted by John H. Dane