Adult Discipleship - 2/11/2025

Finding Your Mountain: All Church Adult Retreat

We are quickly approaching the All Church Adult Retreat and there are still a few spots available. You can join Pastor Rob and spiritual director and professor, Dr. Amy Oden, for a weekend of personal and spiritual renewal, March 7 - 9, 2025. This retreat will be held at the Epworth Forest Retreat Center, located on Lake Webster, just a couple of hours northeast of Indianapolis. Visit the link below for more information about Epworth Forest Retreat Center.

Find Fellowship

Finding community through a small group experience is a central part of this retreat, so feel free to come with a few friends or even your small group. Whether you come alone or with a group, our hope is that everyone will be able to experience small group fellowship with other St. Luker’s. Ride sharing to Epworth, which can be requested through your retreat registration, is another great way to get to know other people and start building community.

Experience Spiritual Renewal

Pastor Rob received a Lily Grant that not only helped fund his sabbatical, but also encouraged renewal for St. Luke’s at large. This retreat will be a follow-up to Pastor Rob’s fall sermon series, “Finding Your Mountain”. As you spend the weekend in worship, small group breakout sessions, quiet reflection time, physical activities, fun games and fellowship with other St. Luker’s, our hope is that you will experience renewal and have your own mountaintop spiritual transformation.

Begin Lenten Spiritual Practices

Ash Wednesday is March 5, and this retreat will be a wonderful way to begin our season of Lent. We will have workshops on a wide variety of traditional and creative spiritual practices, from Lectio Divina to contemplative photography. Once at the retreat, you will also have the option to sign-up for a thirty-minute personal, private time of listening and prayer with St. Luke’s Stephen Ministers.

Registration will be closing soon, so register here today!

            Finding Your Mountain Retreat - Let’s Come Closer to God Together!

Lent Groups

Lent is a beautiful, long-held practice at St. Luke’s. It is meant to be a spiritually transformative time . . . a time of both reflection and preparation . . . of prayer and repentance. A time to rearrange your priorities, focus on what matters most and leave behind what matters least. As the Lenten season is drawing closer, will you consider joining a small group? Being a part of a Lenten small group will provide you with a place to reflect on our weekly sermons, to ask questions, and to grow in faith and community.

Lenten groups will begin the week of March 9, meeting weekly for 5 weeks. We will have group options with varying days/times, demographics, age ranges, etc. Registration for Lenten groups will open the week of February 16 and we hope that you will prayerfully consider which group you will be a part of.

Pastor's Book Study

If you are looking for an on-going class, Pastor’s Book Study is the place for you! Pastor’s Book Study is hosted by a rotating staff of our St. Lue’s Pastors. We study different books throughout the year, covering a wide range of topics. This class meets on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 and you will often find interesting and lively conversations taking place!

Beginning on February 5 you can join Pastor Jevon as he takes us through the book, The Piano Lesson, by August Wilson. Come enjoy a book that weaves together themes of heritage, family, and identity in an insightful and poignant tale.

You can register for Pastor’s Book Study here:

Pastor's Book Study

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