Students - 2/1/2025

Family Friday

February 21, 2025; 6:30-9PM

The Kids and Student Ministries are hosting a Family Friday with something engaging for the whole family. Middle School students are invited to Invite Night; younger kids are invited to a Kid's Night In, and parents are invited to the Parenting Workshop. You may choose to register for one, two or all the events.

Parenting Workshop: Overcoming Parenting Guilt While Raising Resilient Kids

It is hard parenting in the 2020’s. Most parents are plagued with questions like, am I doing this the right way, am I giving my kids enough, am I giving them too much, am I present enough, are they autonomous enough, is this too much tech time, should I allow more tech opportunities? The thoughts are never ending and ever evolving as they get older. In this conversation, you will be in community with other parents or caregivers who have those same thoughts or questions! In this space, we will first validate that we are good parents doing the best that we can with what we know. We will discuss ways to build connections with our youth through co-regulation. We will also begin to explore ways that our youth are excelling and places that we can push a little harder. Finally, we will talk about what resilience really is and ways to build those skills in our youth.

This workshop will be led by Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Lindsay Kusy

Middle School Invite: Forts & Sports

Students in grades 5-8th are invited to our MS Invite Night! Join us for a variety night of fun! You are invited to bring all that you will need to build the most epic fort to enter in a contest for the most creative. Not only that, but if you like sports, we are planning a few legendary rounds of dodge ball. May the best team win! Bring your fort supplies and a friend to this crazy night of fun!

Kid's Night In

 This event is for Infants-4th graders, but your youth can volunteer too! Kids will be eating snacks, playing games, making crafts and more.

Middle School Youth Choir

Kickoff March 2, 2025

This is step one for building out a comprehensive Youth Music program including choir, praise band, and extending through all ages. We hope by starting with a Middle School Choir, it will give us a great foundation to build on! Get more details about the MS Choir HERE.

Summer Events

Now is the time to register for summer activities! We have a lot going on this summer, check out the list below. Click on each event to be taken to the registration form and more information!