Faith When You Feel Troubled

March 28, 2022 • Rev. Rob Fuquay

"Strive for His kingdom..." (Luke 12:31)

In this Sunday's message, I will unpack some of the meaning behind this statement by Jesus. Striving makes the kingdom of God sound like something that requires a hard hat and packed lunch. I don't want to give away the sermon here, so you'll have to tune in Sunday to see how I interpret this. For now, let's just say the kingdom of God is about experiencing the peace and trust of knowing God is in charge.

What helps you do that?

During Lent I have been practicing a mini-fast, on most days of the week anyway. I skip lunch, and during that time when my stomach growls I try to find something that feeds my soul instead. Yesterday I walked through the art gallery. The pictures are stunningly beautiful, so full of color and brilliance. They are paintings of photographs by David Chandler. I found the description of display, "Seasons of Wonder," placed by the first picture very moving. Here is the opening:

Abraham Hoshua Heschel suggests that to die is no longer to be surprised. So often I am too busy, too pre-occupied with worries, goals, hopes, anxieties-the appointment this afternoon, the deadline I just missed, what to prepare for dinner tonight-that I miss seeing, hearing, feeling, touching, tasting what is all around me. How can I 'see' more often? Wonder? Be in awe? Be surprised?

Thomas Merton, the 20th-century Cistercian monk, speaks of "the sacrament of the present moment," suggesting that the present moment is deeply spiritual, meaningful. The car I'm walking past, the honking horn, the splashing rain, the distorted reflection in a window, the wind blowing in the trees, the smells right now-for the rich contemplative traditions, these are sacraments, holy, sacred.

I found looking at each picture carefully, asking what I see in them paused me, made me more present in the moment, and open to receive. This Sunday's scripture is about Jesus' challenge not to worry and be anxious. The positive appeal is to receive the faith God wants us to have which brings enjoyment and peace, gifts God wants to give.

So I recommend a stroll sometime through the art gallery. If nothing else it will take your mind off your stomach growling!


Rev. Rob Fuquay