The Labor of Good Deeds | Rev.-elations 9.3.21

September 03, 2021 • Rev. Rob Fuquay

"Never get tired of doing good." 2 Thessalonians 3:13

Sunday we close our series on The Church the World Needs." At the risk of overstating the crisis the church faces today, I share from a report by Martin Thielen. He points out that annually 2.7 million Americans walk away from active religious attendance. One of his key reasons is "bad behavior among Christians." He continues, "People look at our arrogance, ignorance, judgmentalism, intolerance, pettiness, self-righteousness, exclusivity, and hypocrisy and think, 'If this is Christianity, I don't want anything to do with it.'"

The hope, of course, is living like Jesus. Simplistic? Perhaps. But valid? Well, you take a look. I share a video sent to me yesterday. I love it because of its assumptions about people and its simple way of showing compassion. I love it, too, because it's not overtly spiritual. It doesn't present kindness as something for which Christians have cornered the market. Clearly, that's not the case! It just reminds us that living our faith can be ordinary, practical, and real. On this Labor Day weekend, when we celebrate the rights of laborers, take three minutes to watch this and think about how we can celebrate the right to practice labors of love.


Rev. Rob Fuquay